Aquatic Ecology M.S. Graduate Assistantship – University of Central Arkansas
Dr. Hal Halvorson, Assistant Professor at the University of Central Arkansas, Conway, AR
Description: The Halvorson Aquatic Ecology lab group (www.halvorhalvorson.com) is seeking interested and qualified applicants for a Graduate Assistantship in the Biology Department at the University of Central Arkansas. The student will be supported by an institutional Graduate Teaching Assistantship and their MS thesis research will encompass aquatic ecology topics in line with Dr. Halvorson and the student’s interests. A variety of potential research topics is available, and may include environmental controls on leaf decomposition, ecosystem roles of aquatic macroinvertebrates, water quality in urban streams or ponds, or nutrient and phytoplankton interactions in drinking water reservoirs.
Qualifications: B.S. or B.A. in Biology, Environmental Science, or related fields. Minimum GPA of 3.0. The applicant must have the ability to work independently, as well as with a collaborative team. Strong applicants will have prior research experience either with field or laboratory research.
Expectations: The successful candidate will start classes and their assistantship in Fall 2025. The student will have support for at least two years, and potentially additional time, depending on satisfactory performance and progress on their thesis. The student may have the opportunity to switch to a Research Assistantship after their first year. Students are expected to conduct a thesis research project and complete required course work. Students will receive a stipend (~ $10,350/year, plus summer stipend), and in-state and out-of-state tuition and fee waivers (~ $3,000/term). Additional funds are available to support field research and conference travel. UCA has a strong M.S. graduate program in Biology (~ 30 students), and there are opportunities for additional competitive funding through the university. The student will also benefit from assistance from undergraduate workers and collaborating with peers in the Halvorson laboratory.
To apply: Send a C.V. or resume, cover letter, transcripts (unofficial is OK), and contact information for three references to Dr. Hal Halvorson ([email protected]) with the email subject line “GA Position (last name)”. Review of applications will begin Monday, February 3rd, 2025 until the position is filled.
Dr. Hal Halvorson, Assistant Professor at the University of Central Arkansas, Conway, AR
Description: The Halvorson Aquatic Ecology lab group (www.halvorhalvorson.com) is seeking interested and qualified applicants for a Graduate Assistantship in the Biology Department at the University of Central Arkansas. The student will be supported by an institutional Graduate Teaching Assistantship and their MS thesis research will encompass aquatic ecology topics in line with Dr. Halvorson and the student’s interests. A variety of potential research topics is available, and may include environmental controls on leaf decomposition, ecosystem roles of aquatic macroinvertebrates, water quality in urban streams or ponds, or nutrient and phytoplankton interactions in drinking water reservoirs.
Qualifications: B.S. or B.A. in Biology, Environmental Science, or related fields. Minimum GPA of 3.0. The applicant must have the ability to work independently, as well as with a collaborative team. Strong applicants will have prior research experience either with field or laboratory research.
Expectations: The successful candidate will start classes and their assistantship in Fall 2025. The student will have support for at least two years, and potentially additional time, depending on satisfactory performance and progress on their thesis. The student may have the opportunity to switch to a Research Assistantship after their first year. Students are expected to conduct a thesis research project and complete required course work. Students will receive a stipend (~ $10,350/year, plus summer stipend), and in-state and out-of-state tuition and fee waivers (~ $3,000/term). Additional funds are available to support field research and conference travel. UCA has a strong M.S. graduate program in Biology (~ 30 students), and there are opportunities for additional competitive funding through the university. The student will also benefit from assistance from undergraduate workers and collaborating with peers in the Halvorson laboratory.
To apply: Send a C.V. or resume, cover letter, transcripts (unofficial is OK), and contact information for three references to Dr. Hal Halvorson ([email protected]) with the email subject line “GA Position (last name)”. Review of applications will begin Monday, February 3rd, 2025 until the position is filled.